Monday 25 February 2008

ISSUE 43 - 25 FEBRUARY 2008


( or it is at )

Estates Update
Work, as you can see, is progressing well with both the site set up and ground clearance work progressing over the past two weeks resulting in the trees and existing fencing within the site being removed.
The next phase of the work, started ten days ago, is the formation of the Piling Platform including the excavation of the low level area adjacent to Battlefield Road. This allowed the Pile foundations to commence w/c 11 February 2008.
So far no adverse ground conditions have held up the drilling and the weather has been reasonably kind! The piling work will continue for the next six weeks before we see the start of the steel work. That should be an exciting time as we begin to see the footprint of the building and the general shape emerging. In terms of the overall build programme we are one week behind schedule but hope to pick this up fairly quickly.
In the next two weeks a new estate information stand will be sited in the College – next to the ‘pigeon hole’ room. This stand will contain updated photographs from the construction site along with a general work in progress update and a week by week detail of what is happening. This is aimed at students and staff and will hopefully allow everyone to monitor progress and be kept fully informed of the ‘highs’ and ‘lows’ of the programme.
Reminder – you can still raise an issue, ask a question, make a suggestion on the New Estates Information Forum on the College website.

Call for a volunteer! Would you be willing to take over as editor of (contributor to) the BLOG? If interested please speak to Robert Paterson, asap.

Do you have an idea for a new Lifestyle Learning Class? If so, John Forbes would like to hear from you. If your idea becomes a reality, and the new class is viable in terms of enrolment numbers and profitability, then you may win a bottle of vintage Langside College Champagne!!! Currently, we are planning and organising the new edition of the Evening and Lifestyle Guide which is due to be published around mid to late May 2008, and will include classes for the period August 2008 until July 2009 inclusive. Contact John direct by telephone @ Extn 3640, send him an E-Mail or just pop in to discuss your idea. All reasonable suggestions are welcomed. John Forbes, Lifestyle Learning Coordinator

Mary Queen of Scots Got Her Head Chopped Off!
As you may have noticed from posters around the place, our Acting/Performance students in association with our post grad company (XLC) have been invited to perform again at the Citizens Theatre from Tues 26th February until 1st March. This is the fourth year we have been asked back – receiving great reviews from the national press and selling out! Next week’s shows are at 7.30 pm with a matinee on Saturday at 2.30 pm. Tickets are available directly from the Citizen’s box office – but you will need to be quick because Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday evenings are already sold out.
Mary Queen of Scots – Liz Lochead’s best known and critically acclaimed dramatic work explores not only the history of Scotland but, by comparison, the sexual, political and religious preoccupations which will prevail in the nation today. A mix of myth, music, mime and malevolent humour which will provide great entertainment.

Evelyn Gallagher has announced her engagement to James Sweeney after 32 years of courtship. Will it be a long engagement Evelyn!

Celebration for International Womens Week
Wednesday the 5th March - Fabulous Females: A Celebration for International Womens Week!
Various stalls will be set up on the concourse to mark this important event. Vistors will include, Fitness First for Women, Wise Women who provide Personal Saftey advice, Dance with Attitude and many more. (Lucy McLachlan )
Any ideas, thoughts, scribbles to the Blog – please contact Robert Paterson or the Secretariat